Canada, Alberta – Du lac Moraine au lac Louise : randonnée au cœur des Rocheuses
Randonner du lac Moraine au lac Louise à pied et sur la même journée ? C’est possible ! Navette, passage du col Sentinel, randonnée dans Paradise Valley, Annette Lake et à la clé, deux des lacs les plus beaux et…
Canada, Alberta – 2 ans plus tard, retour dans les rocheuses canadiennes !
Des chutes d’eau, des lacs aux couleurs incroyables, des montagnes et la Promenade des Glaciers, une route à couper le souffle : ce sont les Rocheuses canadiennes comme on les aime ! Lundi 23 septembre 2024 Nous…
Canada, Yukon, Alberta – 2 000 kilomètres de Whitehorse aux Rocheuses
Il est des road trips qui sentent la fin d’un voyage ! C’est le cas lors de cette semaine de route de Whitehorse, capitale du Yukon, aux Rocheuses canadiennes, en Alberta…
Canada, BC, Yukon - Dawson Creek to Whitehorse: encountering wildlife on the Alaska Highway
Among the most mythical roads of the world: here is the Alaska Highway! 2500km of wilderness from Dawson Creek, BC to Fairbanks, Alaska and...
Canada, Alberta - Last days in the Canadian Rockies in Jasper National Park
What’s best than spending our last days in the Canadian Rockies in Jasper Park? After 3 weeks discovering stunning landscapes and beautiful wildlife in Rockies Parks, it’s time....
Canada, Alberta - Icefields Parkway, the most beautiful road in the world ?
Today is a big day: after more than two weeks in Banff, we are finally leaving towards Jasper National Park on the Icefields Parkway, renowed to be one of the most beautiful roads in...
Canada, Alberta – On n’en a pas vu assez : retour aux lacs Moraine et Louise, parc de Banff
Run into a grizzly bear in a hiking trail? It happened to us and it’s quite a scary experience...
Canada, Alberta – Des montagnes, des lacs, des beaux paysages, c’est toujours le parc de Banff
Do you think that landscapes are more mysterious under the rain? We do too, especially mountain and lake landscapes. However, it’s been raining -almost- continuously for 10 days...
Canada, Alberta - Turquoise Water and Sunrise at Lake Louise and Moraine Lake, Banff National Park
Have you ever be that lucky to see a grizzly bear breastfeeding its three cubs in the middle of a hiking trail? We had 😎 And...
Canada, Alberta – Banff, the city
Really, we did think about going to the top of Mount Sulphur using the gondolas. But this was before discovering that we had to pay 55 $ per person! Well, hiking is...
Canada, Alberta – Incredible Banff
Among all National Parks in Canada, Banff National Park is unquestionably the most iconic: very first National Park to be established in Canada in 1885 and pioneer in all areas...
Canada, BC, Alberta – From Johnston Canyon to Stanley Glacier in Kootenay and Banff Parks
The Canadian Rockies are calling! We keep marveling at the magnificent landscapes of the mountains. Our plan today: a canyon, greeny blue water holes, a glacier in...