Mexico, Oaxaca - Days off and farniente on the Pacific coast.
Who would have thought that the Pacific Ocean could be so warm, welcoming, and tropical? We had in mind the cold, foggy, and austere beaches of the North of the United States and we never would have thought we could...
Mexico, Oaxaca – Hierve El Agua and Monte Alban
After the city of Oaxaca, we set out to discover the state of Oaxaca: a refreshing getaway in the mountains and a visit to an archaeological site under scorching heat.
Mexico, Puebla & Oaxaca – El pico de Orizaba: highest summit in Mexico
No, we can't get enough! We now visit Mexico highest volcano: el Pico de Orizaba. It's 5,675 meters high. We don't plan to reach its summit. We just want to...