Ecuador - Summary of Our Road Trip in Ecuador!
After 3 weeks of traveling across the country from North to South in our Jeep, it's time to sum up our road trip in Ecuador!
Ecuador - Hiking in Las Cajas National Park
The Las Cajas National Park is nature at the doorstep of Cuenca. At 4,000 meters above sea level, this park in the Ecuadorian Andes offers magnificent landscapes...
Ecuador - Visit to Cuenca
Cuenca, the capital of French cuisine in Ecuador? Perhaps! French specialties such as baguettes, crepes, pain au chocolat, and croissants can be found. But also, the famous hornado, the Ecuadorian specialty!
Équateur – L’Avenue des volcans : Papa Chimborazo
Personal altitude record, breathtaking landscapes, vicuñas, high-altitude camping, and mountain sickness: we're taking you hiking in Chimborazo National Park, the highest peak in Ecuador...
Ecuador – Quilotoa Lagoon and Baños
New stage of our road trip in Ecuador: from Quilotoa Lagoon, in Quechua territory, to Baños, the Ecuadorian capital of extreme sports... and waterfalls!
Équateur – L’Avenue des volcans : le parc national Cotopaxi
We've seen volcanoes before—beautiful ones, fierce ones, dormant ones. But Cotopaxi Volcano is something else entirely. We were left astounded and amazed by...
Ecuador – In Search of the Andean Bear
After the Rocky Mountain bear last summer, we set out in search of the Andean bear! However, shy and timid, the Andean bear is not easily spotted. So, where to see...
Ecuador – Visiting Quito, the Ecuadorian capital
We went to Quito out of necessity to address some mechanical issues (yes, again), but we eventually developed a little crush for the Ecuadorian capital, its beautiful...
Équateur – Marché d’Otavalo et week-end en famille dans la vallée d’Intag !
We take our first steps in Ecuador, and already, we are invited to spend the weekend with Alexandra and Mauricio! So, after exploring the must-visit Otavalo Market, we head to...