Welcome to our blog!

We are Natacha & Rémi and our blog is meant to tell you our adventures and travels! May 15, 2022, we left our life in Montréal to hit the road and live our dream: a roadtrip around Americas. Our plan is to cross Canada from East to West, go to Alaska, discover the Western part of the United States and make our way South through Central and Latin Americas. Our final goal: Ushuaia! Our vehicle? An off-road Jeep that will bring us to the most remote places of the farthest lands. a road trip on the american continent. In the program : a crossing of the Canada from east to west, a ‘tit detour through Alaska, a loop of several months in the american west, then a descent down to the south through central America, and Latin America. Ultimate Destination : Ushuaia ! Our vehicle ? A Jeep avec lequel nous sommes allés dans les endroits les plus reculés.

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Itinéraire de notre voyage à travers les Amériques

Du 15 mai 2022 au 15 octobre 2024

Our latest articles

Nos récits de voyage Polarsteps